Scott LaPierre Ministries
Books • Spirituality/Belief
Nonfiction Christian books and expository sermons that help you live God's way.
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Why We Should Remember Lot’s Wife (Luke 17:32 and Genesis 19:26)

Yesterday's sermon, which I turned into a blog post with accompanying audio, video, and notes:

Jesus told us to remember Lot’s wife (Luke 17:32). Genesis 19:26 says she became a pillar of salt. What are we supposed to learn about her that makes her so important?

#sermon #bible #christian #jesus #scottlapierre

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Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Marriages

Download your FREE copy of Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Marriages

"This is what every marriage needs!"

#yourmarriagegodsway #scottlapierre #christianmarriage #marriagebooks #christianbooks #freebook #ebook

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Major LaPierre family announcement, invitation to join the Being Content God’s Way launch team, and other things…

Understanding Christian Persecution: A Biblical Perspective (Luke 21:12-19)

Sunday's sermon turned into a blog post with audio and video:

Dive deep into the topic of Christian Persecution from a biblical perspective. Using Luke 21:12-19 to shed light on the reality that every Christian will face persecution in the future when they stand firm in faith. Learn how persecution can serve as an opportunity for witnessing, the importance of remaining steadfast when facing opposition, and how God’s sovereignty covers us through trials.

#christianpersecution, #biblicalperspectiveonpersecution, #christiansuffering, #understandingpersecutioninthebible, #persecutionofchristians, #faithunderpersecution, #luke21:12-19explained, #endtimespersecution, #biblestudyonpersecution, #christianityandsuffering, #howtohandlepersecution, #persecutioninthelastdays, #persecutionofchristiansaroundtheworld, #persecutionofchristianstoday, #persecutioninthebible, #whatdoesthebiblesayaboutpersecution

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