Scott LaPierre Ministries
Books • Spirituality/Belief
Nonfiction Christian books and expository sermons that help you live God's way.
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Behold the Kindness and Severity of God - Romans 11:22 & Luke 19:20-27

Yesterday's sermon, which I turned into a blog post with accompanying audio, video, and notes:

Romans 11:22 says, “Behold the kindness and severity of God,” which is illustrated in this parable. The faithful servants experience the master’s kindness. They were commended, put in charge of cities, and will spend eternity in heaven. The unfaithful servant was rebuked, called wicked, and his mina was taken from him and given to someone else. And this is nothing compared to what the master’s enemies experienced: they were brought before him, slaughtered, and will spend eternity in hell.

#sermon #bible #christian #jesus #scottlapierre

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Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Marriages

Download your FREE copy of Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Marriages

"This is what every marriage needs!"

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Jesus Celebrates Passover: The Spiritual Meaning of His Last Supper (Luke 22:7-18)

Sunday's sermon turned into a blog post with audio and video:

What is the true meaning of Jesus’s Last Supper and Passover? Luke 22:7-18 reveals the deep spiritual significance of the Last Supper, how it fulfilled the Passover, and what it means for believers today. Learn why Jesus earnestly desired to celebrate this meal with His disciples before becoming our Passover Lamb and how it foreshadows the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven.

#JesusLastSupper #PassoverMeaning #Luke22 #PassoverFulfilled #JesusOurPassoverLamb #MarriageSupperOfTheLamb #BiblicalTruth #ChristianTeaching #ScottLaPierre #ExpositoryPreaching

Indie Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

When I wrote my first book, I aimed to secure a traditional publisher for many reasons, including the validation of feeling like a “real” author. After self-publishing several books, I signed with a literary agent and landed a multi-book deal. I know it confused people when I returned to indie publishing and regained the rights to my books.
The Novel Marketing Podcast interviewed me about my journey from indie publishing to traditional publishing and then back to indie publishing. Please listen if you’ve ever wondered why I switched back:

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